
Winter Walk at SCA!

Winter Walk Day (WWD) is an annual celebration of winter walking on the first Wednesday...

Kindergarten Registration for September 2024 (Starting January 8, 2024)

— Starting Kindergarten is an exciting time in a young child’s life, filled with new...
French Immersion program

Applications for Grade 1 Now Open

Bonjour parents! Give your child the gift of bilingualism by applying to the French Immersion...

York Catholic Students Continue to Beat Provincial Averages on EQAO and OSSLT Results

According to the latest results from the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) and the...

YCDSB Secondary School Open House Schedule

Secondary School Open House (PDF) 2024-2025 Secondary Registration Timeline This fall, the York Catholic District...

SafeArrival Information: Keeping Our Kids Safe

  As we start a new school year, we hope you will take some time...